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Showing posts from September, 2011

Elegantly-late suggestions

Impressive the lengths at which MP Silvio Parnis and the returning retro-candidate Joe Cila go to defend the interests of their costituents.  They are constantly coming up with new suggestions at how to improve our lives, and bringing to the fore things which are sometimes disregarded by the national agenda. Pity that they never suggest WHAT should be done, or WHAT would they do given the chance. Co-incidentally, both of them today speak about the huge expenses parents face to buy their kids' school uniforms. Parnis even says that we need a reform. Cilia almost suggests they should be distributed for free. Geeeez...they're only 5 days late! There already is a preliminary report issued, and a national consultation on a reform in this sector was only launched last Sunday. They really need to read the Sunday Times, because these items are not usually found in the Torca or Kulhadd.

For the sake of our business interests!

It's Independance Day, the birthday of our nation, and I switch on my computer to read the below wisdom by MP Dr. George Vella, the PL's spokesman for Foreign Affairs. You have to read it more than twice to believe it: "Gonzi mkien ma qal lil Gaddafi biex inizzel l-armi u jieqaf jiggieled. Gonzi ghamel biss dikjarazzjoni , u ma nafx ghaliex deher skomdu hafna hafna meta ghamilha, fejn iddikjara li Gaddafi kien spicca ghaliex hu haseb sbaljatament, li fi ftit granet kien se jaghmel bhal Ben Ali u Mubarak u jitlaq. Kien sbaljat kompletament Gonzi, u ma qies xejn l-interess tal-investiment enormi Malti fil-Libja.meta ghamel dikjarazzjoni prematura bhal din ." Here you have the underlying Labour mentality: politics is not a question of what is right or wrong, but of what is convenient or not. Dr. Vella is openly declaring what we already knew, the PL has refrained from condemning Gaddafi for all these months just in case he returns in power. They are probably still

Turning Waste into a Resource

Thanks to the Chamber of Engineers, I had the opportunity to attend for a tour of the Sant'Antnin Waste Treatment Plant in Marsascala. I left awestruck. I had never imagined that in this little island, we had such a modern plant to deal with our waste. We started off at the the Material Recovery Facility where plastics and paper are manually sorted, and the Mechanical Treatment Plant where the magnets and eddy current separators sort ferrous and non-ferrous metals, leave out other unusable and contaminated plastics and paper to be used as Refuse-Derived Fuel. The tour then continued at the Digestion and Stabilising (Composting) Plant, where organic waste is treated in order to produce biogas and compost. The biogas is then used by the Combined Heat and Power Plant to generate electricity and the heat required for the plant itself. The plant also includes Regenerative Thermal Oxidisers which treat the gases and odours generated within the plant, rendering it one of the most avan