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Showing posts from August, 2016

Failing on three fronts

This article was first published in The Times of Malta, on Saturday 27th August 2016 I read with interest Desmond Zammit Marmara’s Talking Point titled ‘Problems Labour must tackle’ (August 17). Though the author has tried hard to sound objective, I believe the article was very apologetic of the huge scandals surrounding this administration, and the author has basically joined the government propaganda machine in asking the people to close an eye to the stench of corruption emanating from anything Joseph Muscat has been involved in, just because the economy has kept on doing well. This has been Joseph Muscat’s sole line of defence in front of all the scandalous dealings that have been uncovered. The country is still doing well, so the people should not worry about corruption. Neither about Panama Gate, nor about the sorry state of the police leadership, nor about the Ombudsman’s damning reports on his Ministers, nor about blatant abuse of power. Zammit Marmara starts from the pr

Kollox għall-bejgħ

Dan l-artiklu deher fil-ħarġa tan-Nazzjon tal-Erbgħa 17 t'Awwissu 2016 Ghaddiet il-festa ta' Santa Marija, u minkejja li normalment fl-eqqel tas-sajf ilkoll niehdu pawsa mill-politika, il-kontroversji ta' din l-amministrazzjoni ma naqsux. Anzi, ikolli nghid li issa drajna li dan il-Gvern is-sajf juzah apposta biex jiehu decizjonijiet kontroversjali waqt li n-nies ma jkunux qed jaghtu kaz. Ezempju ta' dan huwa kif il-Gvern ghazel propju s-sajf biex jippubblika l-lista ta' nies li hadu cittadinanza Maltija kif obbligat jaghmel tal-inqas darba fis-sena. Ghalkemm kien biss grazzi ghal Oppozizzjoni li l-iskema ta' bejgh tac-cittadinanza inbidlet u issa l-Gvern ma ghadux jista' jzomm mohbija n-nies li jixtru c-cittadinanza Maltija, il-Gvern xorta qed jaghmel minn kollox biex dawn in-nies jahbiehom. L-ewwel nett qed jippubblika lista wahda li fiha jghaqqad kemm lin-nies li hadu cittadinanza ghax ilhom snin mizzewwga lil xi hadd Malti, u kemm lil dawk li