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At last! Bring him down!

The UN has finally adopted a resolution which "Authorizes member states ... to take all necessary measures ... to protect civilians and civilian populated areas under threat of attack in the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya, including Benghazi, while excluding a foreign occupation force of any form on any part of Libyan territory..."

At last! Took long, but really hope that it is not too late and international forces can force the dictator to back down. It was France and Britain throughout. Cameron and Sarkozy were the only real leaders who could see the writing on the wall. Shame on Germany. How could what once was the greatest European nation back out from a resolution to save civilian lives? How could Germany become the scum of the EU, choosing economic welfare before fundamental human rights? Is it because Saif this week promised that they'll be the only European nation allowed to invest in the Libyan oil industry once they regain power?

Bombardments on Ghaddafi's holdposts and air-defense points should start in a few hours. Finally we can end this brutal dictator who has been threatening and restraining our international relations for years. A dictator who has been using illegal immigration as a threat on Europe. The West can make amends with the Arab world, who has called for strikes on Ghaddafi for days.

Libya can have a democracy. Anything after Ghaddafi is gonna be better than Ghaddafi, the Ghaddafi that for all these years has held our international relations at a gun-point, forcing us to insert a stupid neutrality clause to keep trading with him.

And with a democratic Libya, there can be an end to the influx of illegal immigrants. No one coming out of a democratic country will eventually be allowed to claim asylum. And no one will need to come illegally, once the country is re-built with a modern economy and free of dictatorship and oppression.

Al-Jazeera has stated that Malta will be used as a base. From Tonio's comments last week, I seriously doubt it. But he cannot hide behind the Constitution anymore. The Constitution allows for Malta to be used as a base for the implementation of UN sanctions. It is going to be a choice of the Government. And I hope that yes, if France, Britain and NATO need Malta to refuel their aircraft, or anything else, LET US HELP THEM. Let's help the Libyan people be free. After all, we'll be making amends with the oppressed Libyan people for having our PM saving his life and condemning them for an extra 25 years of brutal dictatorship, and for the titles which we have honored him with while he was kidnapping their relatives, killing their voice, and oppressing their soul.

Finally, the world will be able to breathe a big sigh of relief. Bring him down!


  1. Definately in disagreement.

    Even though the philosophy is right; ie that of having a free Libya, i definately can't agree with the method.
    War, will bring more war! UN attacks will definately hit civilians too, as it has always been the case!
    And if Gaddafi forces retaliate and attack more civilians? If they counterattack on the UN forces, on Europe? Which lives would clowns Sarkozy and Cameron be saving?

    I really hope Malta doesn't support such interventions! When force is used, no matter who or why, it is always wrong!

    And if another solution isn't percieved by you, or me, or the UN, then it doesn't mean that it doesn't exist!

    The warfare powers are plain lazy bastards who prefer opting for a fight rather than a cunning strategy of mediation and eventual justice.

    Anyways, now that decisions have been taken, let's see how this will unfold.

    On the local aspect i'm more than sure that the neutrality clause will not be respected by this government as it's always been pro-EU since it's first legislation. And this government would prefer Malta making the headlines with UK and France rather than holding on to the values of peace in the Mediterranean region and the rest of the world!

    btw - well done with your writing. i just love it! ;) narak king! gnite

  2. 1) This is not a war - this is protection of innocent citizens and their rights.

    2) Gaddafi does not have the force required to retaliate against the magnitude of UN forces. He can try (crazy guy), but it will stop short of emabarassing himself.

    3) "When force is used, it is always wrong" - so a beaten wife has to submit to her savage husband. And Europe has to submit to Nazism, because retaliation is always bad?

    4) Solutions were tried. Some worked with the neighbouring countries. But dialogue does not work with crazy warmongers. How can you talk about mediation and eventual justice when people are being wiped off the face of the planet? Put yourself in their shoes.

    5) Our neutrality clause is in the acts of war. We are not neutral on UN resolutions. We never have been. It's our constitution.


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