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Showing posts from November, 2012

Rotot għaċ-ċikliżmu

L-Awtorita' għat-Turiżmu (MTA), flimkien ma' esperti tar-roti, identifikat bħala bicycle routes numru ta' rotot għat-turisti, u dawk iċ-ċittadini li joħorġu bir-roti. L-Assoċjazzjoni tal-Kunsilli Lokali (AKL) se tkun qed tagħmel xogħol ta' manteniment tat-toroq u se jitwaħħlu tabelli matul ir-rotot kollha.  Huwa mistenni li dawn ix-xogħolijiet ikunu lesti sa l-aħħar ta' Novembru 2012. Dan il-proġett qed isir taħt il-Programm Italja- Malta .

Oh, they were so very supporting of Tonio Borg's nomination

Cyrus Engerer (PL activist): Evarist Bartolo (PL MP): Rene Zammit (PL candidate for Fgura local council):

Another holocaust

"The incursion and bombardment of Gaza is not about destroying Hamas. It is not about stopping rocket fire into Israel, it is not about achieving peace. The Israeli decision to rain death and destruction on Gaza, to use lethal weapons of th e modern battlefield on a largely defenseless civilian population, is the final phase in a decades-long campaign to ethnically-cleanse Palestinians. Israel uses sophisticated attack jets and naval vessels to bomb densely-crowded refugee camps, schools, apartment blocks, mosques, and slums to attack a population that has no air force, no air defense, no navy, no heavy weapons, no artillery units, no mechanized armor, no command in control, no army… and calls it a war. It is not a war, it is murder. When Israelis in the occupied territories now claim that they have to defend themselves, they are defending themselves in the sense that any military occupier has to defend itself against the population they are crushing. You can't defend yourse

Shema Yisrael, the cries of the Palestinian people

You live a peaceful life in a modest home. You've never bothered anyone and you've never caused trouble. Out of the blues, a group of people claim that they should live in your house. Why? Because they have been persecuted in a war, and they claim that some 5,000 years ago, their God had told them your home was their promised land. Somehow, the whole community agrees with their wishes, and asks you to grant them your spare-bedroom. You oblige. After a few months, they take the whole top-floor. In a few year's time, they take over your kitchen. After a few more years, they own your house and keep you and your family locked in the bathroom. They don't even allow you to get out, while they strip-search you the few times they do. Even if it's a medical emergency. Sometimes not even medical personnel and ambulances are allowed to see to your needs while your children die in your hands. Desperation starts hitting you. Life seems to offer no hopes. In moments

Muscat's positive certificate

Forget the European Commission's positive assessments of the country's finances. Forget the plaudits the country's economic management has got from many European ministers. Forget the myriad of positive reports Dr. Gonzi presented to Muscat during Xarabank's debate. The greatest certificate of trust this administration has received has come from Muscat himself. This morning, Muscat declared that for our peace of mind, if elected, next year he will retain the Budgetary framework set by this government. Without yet knowing what it will contain. Some say it's risky to buy property off-the-plan. That this involves an element of trust in the seller. It seems Muscat trusts the PN's economic management even more. He has bought it without even seeing the plan. I don't even expect Nationalist MPs to be so blindly loyal to their party in government. But the Leader of the Opposition is. If only Franco could follow his classmate's example! And by the

My feature from the myTeam series

Find out more about me on

The EU to institutionalise discrimination

From a report in the Times today: The European Commission has adopted Viviane Reding's proposal for a European law that would see women represent 40 per cent of company board members by 2020. This was announced by Commissioner Reding on twitter this morning. Malta's Commissioner nominee Tonio Borg said during his grilling by MEPs yesterday that he supported the proposal, which was voted upon by Commissioners yesterday. Nine EU countries, including Britain, the Netherlands and Malta, made clear their opposition to the law in September. But one of the nine, Bulgaria, has since changed its mind, said one EU source. The Commission estimates that women currently account for fewer than 15 per cent of non-executive board positions in companies with more than 250 staff. The new proposal would oblige these companies to favour "the underrepresented sex" from 2016 onward until a share of 40 per cent is reached, a source said. Member countries would have the po

The Greek tragedy

Something to think about from the above documentary: "Their political leaders had delivered the seductive message that they could have it all without too much effort, and they believed them. 'We stopped to product. We stopped to think like Greeks, we want holidays all the year, like the tourists, easy work, easy life, easy money. The fault is not of the Germans. Its ours.'"

Elezzjoni għal Viċi Kap

Nemmen li l-Partit Nazzjonalista jeħtieġ Viċi-Kap li jkompli jsaħħaħ il-proċess ta' tiġdid li għaddej minnu l-Partit stess, biex ikun jista' jkompli jwettaq il-bidliet pożittivi f'pajjiżna. Għalhekk kien ta' pjaċir għalija li nhar is-Sibt li għadda kont wieħed minn tal-ewwel li iffirmajt in-nomina ta' Dr. Simon Busuttil għal din il-kariga tant importanti. Nawguralu minn qalbi.

My memory of Fr Rene

I got to know Rene back before he ordained as a priest, when we both attended vocational live-ins at the Seminary. His permanent smile and optimism always characterized him, and his words of courage to those going through difficult times, and even when his own father tragically died, will remain a shining example of strength and empathy. We worked together again during his one-year experience at our parish in Gudja, during his diaconate, where he was very present in our youth groups. He was in Gudja again just a year ago for the JChallenge activity, an activity where we brought together different youth and voluntary groups from across the country to celebrate voluntary work. He gave his input, guided us with his ideas, and celebrated mass with us during the event. I still remember him, during that event, asking if I was contesting the elections. I remember telling him that no, it wasn't on my mind and I didn't have time for it. He encouraged me to. Eight months late

Aġir verament 'progressiv u moderat'!

Għalkemm mhux soltu noqgħod naħli l-ħin nattakka l-aġir ta' ċertu nies, u normalment dejjem nipprova nfittex il-koperazzjoni anke' ma' min ma jaqbilx politikament miegħi, ma nistax inħalli imġieba diskriminatorja u fl-opinjoni tiegħi inġusta, tgħaddi mingħajr ma nikkummenta fuqha. Il-Kunsill Lokali tal-Gudja li nagħmel parti minnu, bħalma għamel fi snin oħra, ħa sehem f'kollaborazzjoni mal-parroċċa fl-attivita' ta' Lejla Sajfia waqt iċ-ċelebrazzjonijiet ta' Jum il-Gudja. Attivita' li tgħaqqad lill-komunita' tal-Gudja flimkien f'attivitajiet varji li jsiru f'ġimgħa sħiħa. Sfortunatament din is-sena, din l-attivita’ kienet imtappna mill-aġir partiġġjan ta' kunsilliera tal-Partit Laburista. L-organizzaturi tal-attivita' kienu diġa' għamlu l-arranġamenti neċessarji minn xhur qabel, u bħas-sena l-oħra laħqu ftehim mas-Sur Ronald Briffa biex jippreżenta din l-attivita'. Dan kien anke’ tniżżel fil- programm li tqassam f'kull