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Showing posts from October, 2012

Rapport ta’ ħidma fil-Kunsill Lokali tal-Gudja (Ottubru 2011 – Ottubru 2012)

Dan hu r-rapport ta' ħidma tiegħi li ppreżentajt fil-Laqgħa Ġenerali Annwali tal-Kumitat Sezzjonali tal-Partit Nazzjonalista fil-Gudja: Din is-sena, permezz ta’ skema ma ħ ru ġ a mill-Gvern permezz tal-Kunsill Malti g ħ all-Isport, is-Segretarjat Parlamentari g ħ a ż - Ż g ħ a ż ag ħ u Sport u l-Ministeru responsabbli mill-Kunsilli Lokali, il-Kunsill ibbenefika minn finanzjament ta’ € 4,000 biex komplejna l-attivita’ ta’ After School Sports g ħ at-tfal tal-Primarja, kif ukoll komplejna nifirxu l-attivita’ sportiva anke’ g ħ all-adulti b’korsijiet tal-Aerobika, Pilates u Zumba, u Sports for All. Dion kienet somma rekord li l-Kunsill ħ a fil-qasam sportiv li jien responsabbli minnu. Grazzi g ħ al dawn il-fondi, il-Kunsill g ħ ar-raba’ sena konsekuttiva issa beda l-programm ta’ sports wara l- ħ in tal-iskola g ħ at-tfal tal-primarja, liema programm din is-sena applikaw g ħ alih 31 student u studenta, numru rekord ta’ parte ċ ipanti spe ċ jalment g ħ al ra ħ al ż g ħ ir b ħ

Intervistat mill-Media Link

Din il-ġimgħa kont intervista minn Gabriel Ellul, ġurnalist tal-Media Link. Din l-intervista dehret fin-Nazzjon ta' nhar it-Tlieta 23 ta' Ottubru, fuq is-sit elettroniku, kif ukoll fuq Radio 101 u Net TV. Tistgħu taqraw l-intervista hawnhekk (jew tagħfsu hawn għal link oriġinali), jew taraw video tal-parti tal-intervista li xxandret waqt l-aħbarijiet: Għaż-żagħżugħ Mark Anthony Sammut, kandidat ġdid tal-Partit Nazzjonalista fuq ir-raba' distrett, il-Partit Nazzjonalista huwa dak il-partit li fetaħ il-bibien għal ġenerazzjoni żagħżugħa. Huwa l-partit li tana l-għażla biex inkunu nistgħu nilħqu l-aspirazzjonijiet tagħna. X'tgħidilna dwarek? Jiena żagħżugħ ta' 26 sena. F'ħajti nipprova nkun attiv u enerġetiku ħafna u nipprova nagħti sehmi f'numru kbir ta' għaqdiet u attivitajiet. Naħdem bħala inġinier ma' kumpanija fil-qasam tat-telekomunikazzjoni. Gradwajt fl-2008 u bħalissa qed insegwi kors ta' Masters.

Of lobbying and influence

Whilst refraining from passing judgement about the Dalli saga which is being investigated by the Advocate General after OLAF's findings, whatever the outcome the fact remains that we, as a Nation, have been brought to shame. Suffice to say that this is the first time an EU Commissioner is resigning on his own because of allegations of wrong-doing. One cannot but feel saddened by hearing Malta's name being associated with such dealings. Irrelevant of the fact whether Dalli acted illegally or not, he is deemed to have acted unethically and his position has become untenable. It is normal practice for politicians under investigation to resign from their posts. Justifying behaviour with the wrong Maltese culture that " it's the usual political game in Malta...having friends who need something ", is even more denigrating for our country, especially coming from a seasoned politician. The fact that no law might have been broken does not mean the behaviour was correct,

Return public land to the people

This morning during a press conference outside the Auberge de Castille, AD chairman Michael Briguglio called for the removal of illegal boathouses at Armier . During the press conference, Cacopardo rightly pointed out that the current situation is a "result of the complicity of politicians holding public office during the past 40 years. They turned a blind eye when public land was taken over abusively and acted as if nothing unusual had happened." I have been repeatedly told that politics is about believing in justice and truth, and standing up for what is right. That it is about being of service to the people and not a quest for popularity. And I think this it is about time with put all these nice words in action. I think it's unjust that those who took over public land for their private enjoyment are still enjoying it today, at the detriment of the law-abiding public. I think it is immoral that both parties attempt to make pre-election deals to san

Ridiculous sentences

In my interview in The Sunday Times back in September, I had stated that I think that certain penalties in our laws are ridiculous. Today's case of a father who raped his three daughters  is a glaring example. For repeatedly raping his three daughters since they were just 11 and 12 years old, he gets to serve 10 years in prison (less with remission) and fined €3,100. Three lives have been ruined, three girls have gone through an irreparable trauma brought about by the man who was supposed to protect them - and 'justice' serves out 3 years jail-time and a €1,000 fine for each girl. And what's going to happen once he's out? I can't dare to imagine what his sex drive would be like after 10 years locked up in prison. He did this to his daughters, he might do worse to others. Should life-terms be meted out to child rapists? Should we discuss offering voluntary surgical castration to sex offenders (like Germany and the Czech Republic do)? In the meantime,

The opportunists want to be believed

This is what I had said in my interview with the Times of Malta : Are you saying that younger people are more mature? I think they look for substance more than what is in it for them personally. We hear a lot about disgruntled Nationalists, for instance. But while many have good reason to be disgruntled, others use their vote to try and threaten politicians for personal favours. Unfortunately, some of these are finding support from the Labour Party. Today the Times reported these words from Joe Muscat : He said there were many “genuine Nationalists” who wanted to defect to Labour but were afraid they would not be accepted or believed . Urging supporters not to push away these people, he said: “They might be asking: who will believe us and look out for us? And I tell them: Joseph Muscat will.” He is kind of admitting it himself, isn't he? "Genuine nationalists" who want to vote Labour will just vote Labour when election day comes, since we live in a free de