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Showing posts from January, 2013

Interviewed by the Sunday Circle

As the PN's youngest candidate for the upcoming election, I was interviewed by the Sunday Circle Online Magazine. You can read the interview in the link below:

An examined, educated choice

This article  was published in the Times of Malta on Friday, 18th January, 2013: We frequently speak about education as a guarantor of a good job and better work opportunities, two issues which are definitely linked and correlated. You cannot attract better quality investment, you cannot create better jobs with better wages, if you do not have an educated and skilled workforce able to grasp fill these roles and grasp these opportunities. This is something the Nationalist Party in government understood years ago and through the vision and stewardship of politicians of the like of Ugo Mifsud Bonnici and Louis Galea revamped the whole education system to meet the demands of modern society. This process is being continued to this very day with the introduction and expansion of post-graduate scholarships, the investment in vocational training, and the concept of life-long learning. Our advancement in education has neither stopped nor been derailed, on the other hand, opportunities in

Doing everything for power

Two oncologists have dismissed Muscat's claim that the Delimara power-station is a cancer and asthma factory. It is shameful that Muscat and the Labour Party are using people suffering from cancer to ride over people's emotions, basing themselves on vox-pops. Reality is that according the WHO reports and statistics, Malta has the second lowest rate of cancer incidence in Europe, and the seventh lowest rate of cancer mortality. Studies confirm that the biggest contributor to cancer incidence in Malta is smoking. And laws to stop smoking in public places including children's playgrounds have already been enacted. As regards asthma, studies show that the biggest incidence of asthma in Malta is tied to traffic density and not to the power-stations. In fact, the incidence of asthma in Marsaxlokk is lower than the median in Malta. Having said that, the direction to move towards cleaner energy and air quality should still be followed. But alarming people unnecessarily 

Punti li qajjimt waqt diskussjoni ma' Konrad Mizzi

Dalgħodu fuq TVAM qajjimt dawn il-punti fid-diskussjoni li kelli ma' Konrad Mizzi, u għalkemm kelli ħafna inqas ħin minnu biex nitkellem, għadhom bla tweġiba: "Jekk qed tgħid li r-rapport tal-KPMG huwa ħażin għax jimxi fuq forecasts ta' power generation u fuel costs tat-2013, aħseb u ara l-pjan tal-PL li jimxi fuq forecast tal-prezz tal-gas sat-2025!" "Qabbad tifel tas-sekondarja li ħa jagħmel l-O Levels ħa jaħdimlek li biex tank b'diametru ta' 23m jesa 30,000 metru kubu ta' gas kif qed tgħid int, i rid ikun għoli mal-100m...30 sular. Tank ta' dak l-għoli b'bażi daqshekk żgħira strutturalment jikkollassa." "Is-Seveso Directive tal-Unjoni Ewropea ma tħallikx tibni tank tal-LNG maġenb il-Power-Station, tank li jekk alla ħares qatt jiġrilu xi ħaġa għandu blast ta' 2km. Biex jinstab post għalihom ukoll jenħtieġ studju ta' sena." "Diffiċli temmen li xi ħadd ħa jieħdok minn dar għal ġo villa u l-prezz jiġik irħas,

The Great Energy Proposal

I followed the example of a facebook comment uploaded on another blog to work out the savings my household will make with Labour's energy proposals. Our bill for of €717.80 for 7 months is divided into: An electricity service charge of €36.86 Electricity consumption of €404.83 A water service charge of €33.46 Water consumption of €242.65 Through the new tariff scheme, reducing the electricity consumption bill by 25% and the water consumption bill by 5%, our bill will read: An electricity service charge of €36.86 Electricity consumption of €303.62 A water service charge of €33.46 Water consumption of €230.52 A total of €604.46 for the same 7 months. A reduction of €16.20 a month. But this reduction comes at what price? This grand plan, the one we have been expecting for all these years, will materialize  if  we find a private investor ready to fork out €500 million in capital investment,  if  we reach a 10-year fixed price agreement,  if we manage to b

My next activity

I invite you to keep yourself posted on my upcoming activites on my website and sign-up to my mailing-list there. There is also a small section about me in the new website. In the meantime, my next activity is next Tuesday 22nd January. Hope to see you!

Tagħna lkoll?

Malta Tagħna Lkoll? L-eżempju missu jkaxkar...

Pro-active - National Youth Workshop

Last Saturday MŻPN organized a national youth workshop for youngsters and NGOs to discuss youth activism in the voluntary sector and civil society, and to come up with proposals to be presented to the Prime Minister and leader of the Nationalist Party Dr. Lawrence Gonzi. The seminar was very well attended. It started off with some lively ice-breaking games under the guidance of notorious presenter Ron Briffa, followed by a brief introduction by the Parliamentary Secretary for Youths and Sports Clyde Puli. Participants were then divided into small workshops chaired by the younger candidates of the Nationalist Party for the next election, including Karl Gouder, Ryan Callus, Antoine Borg, Kristy Debono and myself. The discussion in my workshop was very lively and in which everyone participated, and though we exceeded the time allocated for the workshop, we still had plenty of things which the participants wished to discuss. In my group I had members of the National Council for Wo