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Showing posts from October, 2013

Quis custodiet ipso custodes?

Illejla ħareġ li skont l-ispettur kienu Kurt Farrugia u Ramona Attard li għamlu r-rapport lill-Pulizija. Huma qalu li mhux huma. Min qed jigdeb? Il-Qorti iddikjarat li l-Pulizija aġixxiet b'mod illegali u abbużiv meta ikkonfiskat il-mobile u t-tablet ta' Norman Vella mingħajr ma kellha l-ebda dritt tagħmel dan. Mela issa min se jinvestiga u jressaq il-Kummissarju l-Qorti fuq dan l-abbuż? Il-pożizzjoni tal-Kummissarju, reġgħet mhix tenibbli, kif ilha mhix tenibbli fl-iskandli kollha ta' dawn is-7 xhur. Il-poplu għandu dritt li jkollu Korp serju li jista' jafda, u mhux jgħix imbeżża' mill-Korp ta' Manwel Mallia u l-pupazz tiegħu Pietru Pawl. Għax aħna ngħixu f'demokrazija, u mhux fl-istat totalitarju li qed jippruva joħloq dal-Gvern. Aqra wkoll dan il-blog ta' Carmel Cacopardo:

Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando shaming our country at the University of Leuphana in Germany

This was supposed to be a talk about "Future. City. Life!" The general subject was city development, with a focus on three future-related trends: demographic change, digitalisation of culture and sustainable habitat. Projects were developed for a futuristic sustainable city under the fictional name of Leinwig. The Executive Chairman of Malta's College of Science and Technology was invited to give his views. Instead, our Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando goes there to speak about his Private Members Bill. He goes to the extent of lying about the PN financing a No to Divorce campaign. He tells them that Malta is a satellite of the Vatican. And then they have the audacity to speak about a national interest. Watch his speech and weep with shame. If the "what-the-****-is-this-guy-speaking-about?" look on the blonde woman's face is not enough, read the comments below by students who attended his speech, which you can see on the Youtube link of the video above:

Id-deputat konsulent

Dan l-artiklu deher f' In-Nazzjon ta' nhar it-Tnejn 28 ta' Ottubru 2013 Jidher li l-Gvern Laburista kompla fit-triq li f’seba’ xhur jagħmel dak li qatt ma sar f’25 sena. Il-moda l-ġdida hija li l-Gvern ta’ Muscat qed jimpjega bħala konsulenti lil Deputati eletti fuq in-naħa tal-Gvern stess. Minn mistoqsija parlamentari li saret mid-deputat Charlo Bonnici, sirna nafu li d-deputat Silvio Schembri qed jitħallas mad-€39,000 fis-sena bħala konsulent fil-Ministeru tal-Ekonomija u l-Investiment immexxi minn sieħbu Chris Cardona. Ma kienx biżżejjed li l-Gvern Laburista biddel il-liġi biex Membri Parlamentari jkun jista’ jpoġġihom fuq Bordijiet tal-Gvern, minkejja l-kunflitt ta’ interess li din il-pożizzjoni toħloq ma’ xogħolhom bħala rappreżentanti tal-poplu, issa beda jtihom il-konsulenza wkoll. Dan hu ħażin għal diversi raġunijiet. L-ewwel nett, deputat huwa elett għax il-poplu jidhirlu li dan jista’ jikkontribwixxi fit-tfassil tal-politika ta’ pajjiżna. Qiegħed fil-P

The Prime Minister who discusses direct orders

Yesterday morning gave us another one of those answering sessions in which our Prime Minister gives away his skewed way of thinking and modus operandi. When questioned for his views on Norman Vella's arrest, he replied that he will not comment on 'personal issues'. That's right. The Prime Minister said that Norman Vella's arrest is a 'personal issue'. And THAT is exactly the disgusting thing about it! A man was arrested for four hours, his mobile and tablet confiscated, without any proof of misdemeanor and without him having broken any law, but simply because of a 'personal' issue - which issue seems to be a personal grudge Kurt Farrugia holds for him. That's the scandalous behaviour he was asked to comment about as Prime Minister: were the Police used to payback his Communications Co-ordinator's 'personal issue'? And once again, he backed off from answering And why did we have to learn of this Super One's contingent fre

Ċittadinanzi għall-bejgħ

  Il-Gvern Laburista immexxi minn Joseph Muscat ħ are ġ b'idea ġ dida li, skont hu, tag ħ mel "id-differenza bejn ekonomija preistorika u ekonomija li t ħ ares 'il quddiem". Jien meta ssemmili d-differenza bejn ekonomija tal-passat u ekonomija li t ħ ares 'il quddiem, i ż jed t i ġ i f'mo ħħ i id-differenza bejn il-fabbriki tal-mel ħ u tal-buttuni, u l-investiment li sar f'oqsma b ħ all-avjazzjoni, farmaċewtika, informatika, servizzi finanzjarji, gaming u life-s c ien c es . Ekonomija diversifikata ibba ż ata fuq is-servizzi u manifattura avvanzata. I ż jed na ħ seb li dawn jag ħ mlu l-ekonomija tag ħ na wa ħ da b'sa ħħ itha u li t ħ ares 'il quddiem. Mhux hekk ja ħ seb il-Prim Ministru. Skont il-Prim Ministru, ir- roadmap tieg ħ u g ħ all-avvanz tal-ekonomija Maltija tikkonsisti fil-bejg ħ taċ-ċittadinanza Maltija lill-barranin. G ħ al Prim Ministru, l-identita’ Maltija hija xi ħ a ġ a li g ħ andha prezz u tista’ tinbieg ħ . Imma ċ-ċ

Muscat checked with 'due diligence' but still "did not know"

Watch the Prime Minister maneuvering his way around a series of questions this morning, and flatly lying to the journalists' faces. He says they did not know that the man they flaunted as their consultant and who they sent to represent Malta as an envoy abroad was black-listed by the World Bank. - So is he saying that we have a government who appoints envoys without making any background checks. He then goes to say that the man has no contract with the Maltese government and was never paid by the Maltese government. - Up till July the government itself was flaunting that he is the Maltese government's consultant on foreign direct investment, engaged by Malta Enterprise, and that he is being paid €6,000 for his services and has a letter of engagement. They also bluffed that he is Konrad Mizzi's consultant on energy projects. Check these two articles: link 1 , link 2 ) The Prime Minister also says that Nair was essential to set up a meeting with the Qatar Ener

Rachel Tua puts us "first and foremost" by freeloading off our taxes

Labour's Equal Opportunities' Officer has last week gone on a racist hate-inciting rant on facebook, which is becoming typical of Labour sympathisers (in essence, smelling the coffee the Prime Minister decided to brew). She followed this up by describing the articles published on MaltaToday and Daphne Caruana Galizia's blog as 'mud-throwing attacks', revealing the poor notion of democracy this young woman has. Again, typical of this government's mentality of describing any form of criticism as an 'attack'. She decided to put all immigrants in one basket and say they 'have no respect for the citizens of Malta' and inciting us not to 'respect them'. It's the equivalent of an American saying that all Maltese should be thrown out of the US for 'not respecting us' because a Maltese kidnapped and murdered an American . Given that some Maltese people are themselves immigrants, and as equal opportunities officer she should be

My MSc research

During the past two years, I read for a Master of Science degree from the Queen Mary University of London by distance-learning. The degree was lecture-based but included a final dissertation on a related subject. My research project delved into Buffer De-Bloating and was aimed at studying a common problem in the internet today caused by excessively large buffers, its effect on internet performance, and recommendations at mitigating it. Buffers are the physical storage medium present in most telecommunications devices, which are essential for the proper functioning of a network. The role of the buffer is to store data received by the device until it is processed, or to store data to be transmitted by the device until its turn to be sent. One of their main purposes is to enable the interaction of two links or networks which operate at different data rates. In every statistically multiplexed network, data bursts will occur, and these will result in short periods of time where the